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API URL https://apnasmm.com/api/v2
Response format JSON

Service list

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action services

Example response

                            "service": 1,
                            "name": "Followers",
                            "type": "Default",
                            "category": "First Category",
                            "rate": "0.90",
                            "min": "50",
                            "max": "10000",
                            "refill": true,
                            "cancel": true
                            "service": 2,
                            "name": "Comments",
                            "type": "Custom Comments",
                            "category": "Second Category",
                            "rate": "8",
                            "min": "10",
                            "max": "1500",
                            "refill": false,
                            "cancel": true

Add order

Example response

                            "order": 23501

Order status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action status
order Order ID

Example response

                            "charge": "0.27819",
                            "start_count": "3572",
                            "status": "Partial",
                            "remains": "157",
                            "currency": "USD"

Multiple orders status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action status
orders Order IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

                            "1": {
                            "charge": "0.27819",
                            "start_count": "3572",
                            "status": "Partial",
                            "remains": "157",
                            "currency": "USD"
                            "10": {
                            "error": "Incorrect order ID"
                            "100": {
                            "charge": "1.44219",
                            "start_count": "234",
                            "status": "In progress",
                            "remains": "10",
                            "currency": "USD"

Create refill

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action refill
order Order ID

Example response

                            "refill": "1"

Create multiple refill

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action refill
orders Order IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

                            "order": 1,
                            "refill": 1
                            "order": 2,
                            "refill": 2
                            "order": 3,
                            "refill": {
                            "error": "Incorrect order ID"

Get refill status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action refill_status
refill Refill ID

Example response

                            "status": "Completed"

Get multiple refill status

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action refill_status
refills Refill IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

                            "refill": 1,
                            "status": "Completed"
                            "refill": 2,
                            "status": "Rejected"
                            "refill": 3,
                            "status": {
                            "error": "Refill not found"

Create cancel

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action cancel
orders Order IDs (separated by a comma, up to 100 IDs)

Example response

                            "order": 9,
                            "cancel": {
                            "error": "Incorrect order ID"
                            "order": 2,
                            "cancel": 1

User balance

Parameters Description
key Your API key
action balance

Example response

                            "balance": "100.84292",
                            "currency": "USD"
Example of PHP code

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